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#1 2018-12-06 12:14:50

Dołączył: 2018-12-06
Liczba postów: 1
WindowsChrome 70.0.3538.110

main info

Nowadays rechargeable sources of energy are more and more popular.
Some kinds of it are wind, sun, water, geotermal and .
Wind sun and water energy are usually known how they work but  and geotermal usually less known.
Geotermal energy is received from hot water heated by earth core.
energy is extracted from organic waste for example corn scape or tree branches.


#2 2020-08-29 18:15:35

Dołączył: 2020-08-29
Liczba postów: 13
AndroidChrome 85.0.4183.81

Odp: main info

Very informative post. Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us. [dblpt])

~StokrotkaQueen™ 2020©


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