English forum

"I write to find out what I think.” ~ Stephen King

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#1 2020-08-29 19:11:47

Dołączył: 2020-08-29
Liczba postów: 13
AndroidChrome 85.0.4183.81

Intriguing topic it is.

Well, that's a quite ominous topic... I'm not sure what we are supposed to talk about here...

The more I think about it, the more confused I become.

Anyway I'm waiting for further informations. Maybe an admin can give us a hint about the meaning of this subpage.


~StokrotkaQueen™ 2020©


#2 2020-08-31 21:47:59

Dołączył: 2018-10-27
Liczba postów: 1
WindowsFirefox 80.0

Odp: Intriguing topic it is.

Hi there! I'm wholeheartedly content you want to share your precious ideas on this forum. Feel free to give multiple  with this issue. , You can consider the social aspects, relationships with others, career opportunities and Polish health care. Is it helpful to these people in your opinion? Do you think that people suffering from e.g. multiple sclerosis or Covid-19 have worse life conditions and are left on their own than people with minor diseases like cold?


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