English forum

"I write to find out what I think.” ~ Stephen King

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#1 2018-11-09 11:01:52

Dołączył: 2018-11-09
Liczba postów: 1
AndroidChrome 70.0.3538.80

Date night

I think that comedy film is the best for a date. We can have fun together. Maybe know each other better. Everyone likes that type of film because it improves mood.  [dblpt]hug[dblpt]


#2 2018-11-14 09:30:07

Dołączył: 2018-11-14
Liczba postów: 3
MacintoshSafari 604.1

Odp: Date night

I don’t agree with you. In my opinion to the date they are better horror. At least there is a pretext to cuddle  [dblpt]love[dblpt]


#3 2018-11-16 19:40:39

Dołączył: 2018-11-08
Liczba postów: 1
WindowsChrome 70.0.3538.77

Odp: Date night

I agree with you, Matilda. A horror movie is the best for a date. Thanks to such films we are afraid and it's getting closer to each other. [dblpt]tak[dblpt]


#4 2018-12-06 12:12:15

Szymon S
Dołączył: 2018-12-06
Liczba postów: 1
AndroidChrome 61.0.3163.128

Odp: Date night

I dont know becouse i didnt have any before. But i think that the best movie for a date is a long romance story which action is stopped in one town and a group of women are talking and crying for 4 h and nothing more is happening!


#5 2020-08-29 19:17:13

Dołączył: 2020-08-29
Liczba postów: 13
AndroidChrome 85.0.4183.81

Odp: Date night

Good evening internet users,

I see a heated debate here! Sadly, I must disagree with you all. You are wrong. The actually best kind for a date is a crime movie. it makes you feel a real bond with your partner and can allow you to follow some crazy adventures together. [dblpt]shy[dblpt]

Wiadomość dodana po 05 min 47 s:

Matilda napisał/a:

In my opinion to the date they are better horror. At least there is a pretext to cuddle  [dblpt]love[dblpt]

Sorry Matilda but this comment is highly inappropriate here. It's especially outrageous during the pandemic era. Next time think things through before posting because kids might accidentally read it!


Wiadomość dodana po 08 min 52 s:

StokrotkaQueen napisał/a:

Wiadomość dodana po 05 min 47 s:

Matilda napisał/a:

In my opinion to the date they are better horror. At least there is a pretext to cuddle  [dblpt]love[dblpt]

Sorry Matilda but this comment is highly inappropriate here. It's especially outrageous during the pandemic era. Next time think things through before posting because kids might accidentally read it!


Ok, Matilda, I might have been a bit too harsh with my judgement. Just please use PG words next time.


~StokrotkaQueen™ 2020©


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